Wednesday 17 March 2010

Third Shoot - Re-shoot - 17th March 2010

As a lot of the shots that myself and Nathan had got weren't good enough, we have booked the camera kit one final time to try and achieve some better shots. We are going to do this by re-writing part of the plot in the opening two minutes. Instead of Amanda dying, we will have a boy committing suicide. We will still have the bathroom scene, where it will appear Mary is controlling the teenage boy out of the house and off a cliff. We will create fake blood, which will be pouring from the eyes of the teen. We will have close ups of the boys face to show the lack of expression on his face and we will follow him until he jumps.

Rather than going to the supernatural direction, we are going to be true to the horror genre and be menacing and horrific. Blood will be pouring out the teens eyes and he will be controlled until he kills himself.

This shoot went much better than the previous one as the natural light really helped us when filming. We shot all of the woods scene and the cliff scene, which looked quite good. the only problem we had was that when showing the rest of the class it looked repetitive. This was re in forced by the class so we are thinking of cutting a lot of the wood parts out to make it more exciting for the audience. The other thing we need to do is shoot the scene in the bathroom with me there. This will also include Bloody Mary hopefully.

For the opening titles, we are having the tap shot fading in and out and in between each fade there will be a black screen. After this has happened, Bloody Mary will fade in. For the tap shots, we have desaturated the colour. Originally we had a lot of time lapse in our film but it got repetitive and overused so we have put a cross dissolve instead in some parts. This still shows passing time but it makes me disappear for a second and then re-appear a bit further in the shot.

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