Tuesday 9 March 2010

First Shots - 6th March 2010

We decided to start filming on the saturday as both of us were free. Nathan came to my house and we used the outside of my house and the bathroom. We shot the first 12 seconds, basically the tap scene which opens are film. This went very well as we had diagetic sound which we think works beautifully. This saved us from using the dictaphone and recording sound. We took three different angles of the tap and took two shots of each angle just in case one didnt come up well enough.

The second location was just outside my house. We have two takes again for each shot and the shot starts with me walking out of the door of my house and then walking up my drive. Again we tried different angles but we made a mistake at the top of the drive where we broke the 180 rule. This means we will have to re-shoot that sequence to undo this error.


For the editing, we cut each shot slightly to cut the bits we didnt need. For example, for the opening, we cut each view of the tap to about 3 or 4 seconds and added the credits. We also added fades between each ut, changinging the opacity.

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