Sunday 14 March 2010

Second Shoot - 14th March 2010

We shot most of the main shots today including the bedroom shot where Amanda eventually dies. This shot took a long time to get right as we felt lighting was a key issue to address. At first we thought we could just use bare daylight but as the shot progressed we felt it would not have been appropriate as it would have been too sunny to see the candle blown out and the light flicker on and off. We then closed the curtains which created a very dark atmosphere- too dark for the camera to pick up anything so finally we put on a lamp in the corner which has the ability to flicker without having to turn the light on and off. We then lit the candle and put that next to the mirror and the room was then ready to be shot in.

We shot Amanda sitting in her chair and then turning around to the lights flickering and then the candle goes out. I think this went really well as it looks good on camera but also has an edgy feel about it which, when put together with music, should sound brilliant and scary. Futhermore, we shot the scream fom Amanda wiht the door swinging shut and the light turning off. To do this, we had to have someone stand behind the door and someone kneeling next to the light, so when the door shut and the light turned off, it gave the impression that Bloody Mary had something to do with it. For that shot, the camera was positioned outside the door, giving us that extra bit of secrecy about the locations of the people doing things with the door and the light but also to leave the audience wondering how Amanda is dying. I like this style of horror as it leaves the death to the imgination of the viewer which in my opinion, is far more scary tan a film such as Saw where you see all the violence and gore.

However we are thinking that we may have to re-shoot a lot of this as it hasnt come out as well as we had expected. We have to many shots from a high angle, meaning we are constantly looking down on Amanda which doesnt work that well. Futhermore, we need to shoot the scene with Mary in the mirror as we have not yet done that.

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