Tuesday 19 January 2010

Seven Opening Sequence - Technical Analysis - OS

Shot by Shot
Close up of book being turned
Cuts to picture of two hands in book with a red line through the middle.
Shadow moves over book.
Cuts to razor blade. Sound of a razor can be heard.
Cuts to close up of small blade being used to cut parts of fingers.
The sound being used is like a radiowave.
Cuts to a photo of a man, looks like he has been killed.
Cuts to montage of a book being openend.
Cuts to close up of someones hand, writing.
Hand blurs showing movement of the hand.
Upside down view of writing.
Cuts to a red filter connoting blood and death.
More radiowave noises can be heard.
Cuts to man cutting a photo frame.
Cuts showing man putting the photo in an album.
Cuts to a side view of the book being turned.
A beat is introduced.
Cuts to man highlighting with a black marker pen, words in the book.
Cuts to page being turned again.
Cuts to writing on the screen.
Cuts back to page being turned and more highlighting.
Then cuts to a black screen with image of a boy being highlighted through the eyes.
Cuts again showing the whole of the boys face being outlined.
Cuts to a red filter.
Cuts to a close up of him writing.
Cuts to screen being cut in half with the tp half in a red filter whilst the bottom half is a close up of more writing.
Cuts to man putting film in a page.
Cuts to a close up of finger putting the film in the book.
Cuts to many shots of page being turned with film in.
Red filter is then used.
Cuts to a close up of a mans head in the album.
Again cuts to the books page being turned
Cuts to needle being pulled out of finger.
The speed of clips shown then speeds up.
cuts to needle being put into book.
String is then seen being used.
Drums are being used.
Cuts to pages in book being flicked.
Cuts to newspaper being cut out.
Final cut shows many albums.

Analysing the Sequence

The film opening starts with just a book with the pages being flicked but you then see a hand turn one of the pages. It then cuts twice, first to a black screen with the production name on and then cuts to a, what looks like a drawn picture of two hands with a red line in between them. The colour red connotes blood and death but also the picture is in black and white therefore expressing more depressing themes. A shadow then comes across the page only reinforcing this depressing mood so far.

Another cut leads to a quick shot of a razor blade or shaver and the diagetic sound of a shaver stays with us even when it cuts to another black screen. It fades away when we next cut only to see another razor blade and the same sound being used again. This sound is quite creepy and would be perfect to use in a horror film. You see a close up of the fingers being used to hold the razor but the film doesnt reveal anymore than that to add suspense and mystery. Throughout this opening montage editing is used. This is beneficial to the script as it doesnt give too much information away but starts to put fear into the audience as the images of razor blades and dark, edgy rooms will help to create suspense and tension.

The camera cuts quickly a few times showing an extreme close up of someone writing in black ink on some paper but then cuts to a completely red screen showing what looks like an image of a face. After that you are shown another close up, this time of the man cutting different frames out of a film. You then see him move the frame across the table and then of him sticking it into a book. The camera cuts to the page being turned over, maybe showing it is a book full of photos, or victims.

Next you see another close up of him, this time putting a straight black line through parts of the book. This keeps occuring until you finally see someones face with him drawing a line through all of it, maybe showing he has been killed or dealt with. We assume this as the screen goes red straight after possibly representing his victims blood. More cuts this time showing half the screen as red and the other half with the man placing the frames into the book. You then see the man use a pin and this shows more themes of death and violence as the colour red filter is used to connote blood. A the end of the sequence, you are shown a mid shot of the photo album and more red filter. Seven is an unusual opening as the use of montage editing and the sound of a shaver creates fear for the audience.

There are two bankanble stars in this film. They are Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt and both would guarentee a successful return for the investors. The certificate for the film is an 18. This is because from the openig sequence you can see the connotations of death, violence and gore. I believe the naraative is linear as although it is hard to tell from a montage, it looks like everything is moving forward.

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